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The lab for NEtworking and Mobile Systems (NEMS) is affiliated with the Department of Computer Science at NYCU. It is located at MIRC (電子資訊大樓) Room 704. Our research proceeds from network fundamentals to other disciplines. We aim to pursue customizable, flexible solutions for networking services, as well as to explore security issues and to design countermeasures in mobile systems.

Our projects span four directions:

  1. Wireless networking: Wi-Fi, LTE, and NR
  2. Edge service and system: MEC security/performance, MEC platform development, and V2X/UAV applications
  3. Mobile network: 4G/5G security and network performance
  4. Network and system security: IoT security, wireless security, and Android security


*** We are looking for several Bachelor/Master/Phd research assistants and engineers (Full-time). People who plan to study aboard are very welcome. ***

We are looking for self-motivated students (including undergraduate, master, and phd) who want to work on interesting problems in the areas of networking and mobile systems. Our ongoing research projects include but not limited to protocol desgins for WiFi networks, security in wireless networking, mobile networks and systems, and network security. The potential students are expected to be willing to learn, to explore, and to code. If you are interested in joining us, you are very welcome to drop by our lab to chat with us.


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